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Hisense 585L Quad Door Fridge Freezer - HRCD586TBWB

SKU: 60007006 | Supplier Code: HRCD586TBWB
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Whether you're stocking up on groceries or preserving your meals, the Hisense 585L Quad Door Fridge Freezer with Ice & Water Dispenser is the perfect storage solution! It features Inverter Technology with Super Cool and Super Freeze modes to keep your food items fresher for longer. This unit also sports a My Fresh Choice compartment with customisable temperature settings to adapt to your cooling and freezing needs. Furthermore, it incorporates an in-door Ice and Water Dispenser, so you can always have a refreshing drink at any time of the day.

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Whether you're stocking up on groceries or preserving your meals, the Hisense 585L Quad Door Fridge Freezer with Ice & Water Dispenser is the perfect storage solution! It features Inverter Technology with Super Cool and Super Freeze modes to keep your food items fresher for longer. This unit also sports a My Fresh Choice compartment with customisable temperature settings to adapt to your cooling and freezing needs. Furthermore, it incorporates an in-door Ice and Water Dispenser, so you can always have a refreshing drink at any time of the day.


  • Total Capacity: 585L; Fridge Capacity: 352L; Freezer Capacity: 125L; Hybrid Compartment: 108L
  • 3 Energy Star Rating; 521 kWh/year Energy Consumption
  • 43 dB Noise Level
  • French Door Opening with Integrated Recessed Door Handle
  • Internal / External Features: Hidden Hinge, Adjustable Front Rollers, Castors/Wheels
  • Dimensions: 912 mm x 725 mm x 1785 mm
  • 3 Year Manufacturer Warranty
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Terms & Conditions: Free delivery on selected Hisense whiteware valid Wednesday 12 – Tuesday 25 February 2025. Free delivery terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Available in-store and online. Available on selected Hisense branded kitchen and laundry appliances. Eligible products will be as marked in-store and online. Excludes accessories, replacement parts, extended warranties, delivery, and installation. Applies to delivery addresses within 25km of a Smiths City store. Also applies to local Auckland delivery addresses (from Auckland CBD extending to Albany, Henderson, Howick, and Papakura). Deliveries to the Outer Islands (Chatham Island, Stewart Island, Kawau Island, Waiheke Island, Matakana Island, Great Barrier Island and D’Urville Island) and some rural areas are excluded. Applies to drop-off deliveries only. Excludes unpacking, set up, and installation. Additional delivery charges and free delivery exclusions apply in some circumstances. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Personal shoppers only. Excludes Outlet, Trade and Commercial.

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